Tuesday, 24 January 2017

I don't sing because I have the voice or because I can, I sing because when I do I feel complete, no matter what's going on or not going on around me, when I sing I feel elevated above my circumstances,.
I feel the passion when I sing and I know
passion is purpose. I feel I can take on the world when I sing
I sing because when I don't my world becomes dark and gloomy. when I don't sing I feel like the earth in the beginning,dark, without form and void.
I sing because when I don't my
joy is taken away and I lose my strength. I sing because when I don't the enemy seems to triumph over me.
I sing because singing is a sign of faith and hope, I don't sing to while up time, I sing to determine time. when I'm pressed,persecuted or struck down I sing, when I'm sad and in mourning I sing, when I'm excited and filled with joy I sing.
I sing in summer, winter or spring, and I sing nite time or day.
so when I sing its not all that I know to do but its its that
me. I exercise my gift, I pursue my passion and doors open,
money comes, but nothing beats the feeling of knowing I'm
the right track and when I sing, HE sings with me, so sing
me, cmon any song, in any situation, sing a new song. sing
with me and see what happens. Paul and Silas sang and
chains broke, foundation shook, doors opened and people
were saved so cmon , who's singing with me?

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